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Flower & Stem Sticker Co.

Decorate Your Life!


Don’t you hate when you want to create but don’t have any ideas? It can be so frustrating when you’re motivated to design something but can’t think of anything new. Don’t give up yet! I get it, and there are ways to get inspired and get out of your funk! In this blog I’ll share the top 8 easy tactics I use to find new inspiration.

1. Use social media

Most of the time going on social media can be seen as the opposite of being productive, but in this case that may not be true. People use social media every day to express themselves and share their ideas. This makes it a great way to find new inspiration! I find that Instagram and Pinterest are great ways to explore new ideas. Start by searching for something related to what you want to make and explore from there!

2. Go outside

Stepping out of your environment is great way to get out to get out of your funk! Try taking a walk. The world around you is full of colors, shapes, patterns and textures. Put your phone down and listen to the sounds around you. Look at the different colors in nature, designs of the buildings you walk past, what other people are doing, what are they wearing? Try getting out of your own head and let your mind wander. You will be surprised by how simple things can inspire you. Don’t forget to bring a notepad or something else to jot down ideas as you go!

3. Always write it down

Oftentimes I will have an idea and think it’s so good that there’s no way I’ll forget it. Then a few minutes later I have no clue what the idea was. This is so frustrating and easy to avoid. Always keep something on you to jot down ideas as they come to you. Even if it’s not a fully developed concept, it’s good practice to write down things that inspire you as you see them. Even if these things aren’t super useful to you now, they may be when you look at them later. Personally, I keep a notepad full of rough ideas and inspiration that I take a look at any time I feel stuck.

4. Talk with others

Sometimes when you’re really focused on something, it’s easy to get stuck in one way of thinking. Talking to other people about your project or idea is a great way to see it from another angle. Ask their opinions. What do they think about it? How can it be improved? Do they have a whole new idea or direction you can use to make your design even more creative and fun? Maybe outside insight is just what you need to get that lightbulb moment!

5. Use your hobbies

When looking for design inspiration don’t overthink it! Let yourself be inspired by things you’re passionate about. Maybe you play a sport, bird watch, bike, read, or whatever else you like to do. Think about those things and what aspect of them can be used to create a design. Having an interest and relating to what you’re creating is one of the best ways (in my opinion) to build a good design that interests you and fits your unique personality!

6. Everyday Objects and Activities

Looking at the things around you in a different light can be great inspiration. Consider objects that you don’t normally give a lot of attention to. How can you design something in a way that uses that object and gives it more personality? What phrase or elements can be added to create something completely new and exciting. Giving personality to everyday objects can be a fun way to make a new design!

7. Look at color palettes

Experimenting with new colors can inspire you! Taking a look at online sources like Adobe Color can help stimulate new ideas. Use their Explore and Trend pages to see what others are doing! Try using a color palette you’ve never worked with before. What can you make out of it? Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!

8. Take a break

If you’ve been working on this for a while it may be time to take a step back! Taking a step back in the creative process and focusing on other activities gives your brain time to process all of your ideas in the background. This can help you come up with new ideas and help you get out of your rut, even when you’re not actively focusing on it! It may seem like this is counterproductive, but don’t worry! Giving yourself a break is actually very important and could lead to your best idea yet!


When you feel stuck don’t stress! Try using these tips to help you think outside the box and find new inspiration. Most importantly, never give up! Who knows, maybe your best idea is about to come to you!

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